

You are invited to a life of cause. 

What does that mean exactly? 

Consider all the myriad of ways that challenges show up in life. 

When we are living  at effect, we are focussing on the WHAT.  The details, the events, what happened. This keeps us stuck in our present story. Over time, this creates a loop of beliefs that goes a bit like this:  " Because of this .... then I can't do/be/have/feel this....  " Is this effective for our future? 

When we are living at cause, we are focussing on our WHY.  The reason behind our behaviour, and why we want a particular outcome.  We then become the reason for our WHAT and can consciously create change by choosing it. Connecting to our WHY will reflect changes in our WHAT.

This is what is possible when our cause and effect story is in balance. 

Kinesiology, Neuro Linguistic Programing and Iridolology are great catalysts to remind us of our own power. 





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